treatment of

achilles tendonitis

Support the treatment of lower limb 

injuries related to tight calves: 

Plantar fasciitis, shin splints, 

Achilles tendonitis and much more

support the

treatment of

achilles tendonitis

Support the treatment of lower limb 

injuries related to tight calves: 

Plantar fasciitis, shin splints, 

Achilles tendonitis and much more


Designed and assembled by a medical doctor, engineer and designer in Sydney

clinically validated

Double-blinded Randomised Controlled Trial presented to Sports Medicine Australia

30-day trial

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A new approach to Achilles tendonitis treatment

Introducing the Solushin®

Support your treatment by reducing tension in your calf muscle

What is achilles pain?

A quick lesson on Achilles tendonitis

The pain associated with Achilles tendonitis is often described as a mild ache in the back of the leg or above the heel after running or activity. This pain may be more severe with further exertion, and you may experience tenderness or stiffness in the morning that subsides as you begin to move around.

Achilles tendonitis can be broken down into two categories:

  1. Non-insertional where the fibres in the middle portion of the tendon have begun to tear, swell and thicken
  2. Insertional where the Achilles tendon inserts into the heel

There are a number of risk factors associated with Achilles tendonitis, including:

  • volume of physical activity
  • body weight, foot posture
  • tight calf muscles
  • presence of a bone spur where the Achilles tendon attaches to the heel

how can the solushin help?

Improving your ankle's range of motion/dorsiflexion

When you purchase the Solushin treatment program, you will receive:
  1. A Solushin to improve your ankle's dorsiflexion/range of motion
  2. Complimentary load management program (volume control)
This will address 2 of the 4 risk factors discussed above.

Ankle dorsiflexion is a a measure of calf tightness, a common risk factor for Achilles tendonitis. 

The Solushin has shown, in a clinical setting, an ability to improve ankle range of motion by 21% in an hour of wear during low activity (sitting, walking etc). By wearing the Solushin for an hour a day, it can be expected that you will effectively improve your ankles range of motion and improve your dorsiflexion. 

To review the clinical research that was presented at the Sports Medicine Australia Conference yourself, please click here.

Available online and through leading clinics. 

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