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What causes shin splints when walking?
Do you get shin splints from walking? When you’re walking, are you experiencing pain in your shin? You may be suffering from an injury known as “shin splints.” This injury can range from a slight tickle in the general shin area all the way through to excruciating pain. So, why the significant range of pain? To understand this, we want to dive into what causes shin splints when walking. What are shin splints? We go into this in more depth in this article; however, for a quick overview, shin splints is an umbrella term for quite a few lower leg...
What causes shin splints when running?
Do you have shin splints? Are you a runner? Then you've probably had or heard of someone with "shin splints." This injury can range from a slight tickle in the general shin area all the way through to excruciating pain. So, why the significant range of pain? To understand this, we want to dive into what causes shin splints when running. What are shin splints? We go into this in more depth in this article; however, for a quick overview, shin splints is an umbrella term for quite a few lower leg injuries. These can range from a biomechanical overload...
Can Obsessive Passion Lead To Injuries?
How obsessed are you with running? Running is a pretty f**king good sport. Let's be real. You keep fit, you keep social and feel accomplished. Like many of you, I run to stay on top of my mental health. By no means am I as good a runner as I was a swimmer, but I have found an awesome outlet that truly helps. But, at what point is yours or my obsessive passion for running too much? Is there any evidence that being too passionate is linked to injury? It turns out there is. Obsessive Passion We've all felt passionate about something...
Are shin splints a bone or soft-tissue injury?
Shin splints are incredibly common in runners affecting the tibia (shin bone) Every runner has heard of or has had shin splints. Firstly, navigating the numerous injuries that are encompassed under the shin splints term is essential. For more on that, please read this article. The injury most commonly associated with shin splints, medial tibial stress syndrome, is what we will talk about in this article. The pain associated with this injury should appear on the inside border of the shin, along the third closest to the ankle. One of a few injuries that make up the top tier of...
4 At Home Strengthening Exercises for Runners
Photo by Karolina Grabowska Do you have a strengthening program? Strengthening exercises are essential for all runners. Whether you are recovering from an injury, trying to prevent an injury or increasing your performance, if the answer to the above question was no, it's time to change your approach. I get it - some of you want to avoid the gym. Runners avoid the gym like the plague. Meatheads! Roid junkies! I don't want to bulk up or stared at the squat rack. Perhaps you quite simply don't want to pay - running shoes are getting more expensive after all. Here...