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As a runner, you often set big goals. You may have set your goal to complete your first half marathon or an array of running events. But what happens when you achieve these goals? It isn't uncommon to lose motivation and fall off the bandwagon.  If this sounds like you, you may have focused too much on the outcome. So, how about we set some goals on the process instead? Setting process-orientated goals will enable you to achieve small but frequent victories.  Healthy habits will boost your consistency, and consistent runners are the most successful.  Here are six tips to help you get on...

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goal setting, running -

Whenever you are setting running goals, it's important to make sure they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely, or SMART goals.  While this concept is often used in a professional setting, it can definitely be applied to running. This article gives you an overview of how to make the most of your goal setting. Specific Your goal should be focused and avoid generalisations.  For example, you may want to run faster, but it's too broad. A more specific goal might be "I would like to hold under 4 minute 30-second pace for a 10km run. Alternatively, you might just be...

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